Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Re: "Malignant Narcissists are Homicidal", House of Mirrors article- PT.1

"How can they be evil and not designated as criminals? The Key lies in the word “designated.” The criminality of Malignant Narcissism in that they commit “crimes” against life and liveliness. But except in rare instances – such as the case of a Hitler – when they might achieve extraordinary degrees of political power that remove them from ordinary restraints, their “crimes” are so subtle and covert that they cannot be designated as crimes" -Lisette, House of Mirrors Blogger

Updated --

First and foremost, I must say Welcome back, Lisette!!! I missed your posts, which broadened my insight into dealings with malignantly- narcissistic, and sociopathic-narcissistic persons. I prayed for you often during your absence, because I know that such encounters as personal as yours (which are relative to my own) warrant a shut down for long periods to recuperate. That is, hopefully if not, being shut down altogether. 

Next, to consider what I've learned from you and others on this topic: Isn't  a "shut-down" the anticipation of Malignant Narcissists (MN)?  You've stated that, "t
he criminality of Malignant Narcissism is its violation against life". A heart full of life is exactly that; a life-giving force which relishes its own life and that of others. In considering this, we see clearly why the  MN motto comes across as a "do or die" tyranny of sorts. Since our society raves on drama, it is "ego-soothing" to attach the brand of Narcissism you speak of, with renown symbols. For instance, Hitler. Does a criminal really need to break a Law or Iron bar when bending them will do, however? Thus, MN prevails more in minor slights that go unchecked, rather than grand-scale attacks that trip the radar. The societal penchant for extremism reveals why you took more pains via blog than needed to help sufferers, survivors, and conduits of MN trauma see the "criminality" of MN. Reducing the issue to an idea as finite as our existence, helps us see MN as you do: without, regular, deep self-evaluation, we all could be sufferer or conduit, by allowing MN behaviors to enter our sphere. Many have learned, often through slight, that
Anyone who crosses the path of the MN but refuses to DO all of the following:

  1. pledge subservience to Ego, 
  2. play Arcade Facade
  3. join the league of brute chaos
 may as well be non-existent-- and most certainly extinguished (DIE) if you speak against the wrongs of MN. Infringement, indeed!

A house in the path of a Category-5 Tornado is more realistic than "infringement". Although, Hitler was removed from ordinary constraints, is MN behaviors operating below renown tyranny, any less constrained? Your answer is No, and I agree. For what constraint does a Category 5 Tornado possess, if any?

Remember this analogy the next time you're in the throes with a MN(my abbreviation for Malignant Narcissist).

Trick: thinking MN mayhem exists in a controlled environment. Here, attention must be brought to that beautiful word you shared, Lisette: "Designation".  Designation suggests that MN behaviors are conditional and that is true. Depending on attitude of the target and the sort of publicity of the moment, one bag of mayhem is designated/chosen and applied, above anothe. Desperate times call for desperate measures, no? 

Iron Bars or Laws don't stop a criminal mind. Regardless the amount or strength of the levies,  aren't "humans" to still advised  to evacuate premises and get to safety when a "hurricane" is coming? Some of these similarities exist for criminals, and certainly for MN-targets.

Hope your progress and knowledge increases: you're an inspiration! God Bless.