Sunday, July 7, 2013

RE: Lindsay's "Beyond Highbrow" topic, 'Maternity as a basic human right'

Hizzle writes:
Republicans like to say “If you can’t feed ‘em, don’t breed ‘em.”
I do not agree ...- Robert Lindsay

Once again, Robert... another amazing topic and I don't agree either. The hypocrisy and low-blow statement, hurled at women and children---of all people!

I'm reminded of a concept Jesus taught: " By your words, you are justified and acquitted; and by your words you are condemned and sentenced". (Matthew 12:37)
So, let's define the word Breed, shall we? Breed: To cause or be the source of; procreate. To produce, to reproduce, to engender, to propagate, to raise or improve-be it by any of the following controls: of pollination, selection, mating or sex. An assortment or group made for humans to develop and maintain or 'nourish'; foster.

 How about those business speculations, and other entrepreneurial babies prematurely bred, that require "feeding", backing,  grants, bailouts, and other pinches from Federal reserves?  Tycoons define one's business savvy BY the ability to breed 'commerce' that you can feed with as little of your own earnings and as much of another's while yet generating cash flow. Food for thought.
Since breeding and feeding were attributed to only women in the case of he Senator, I find it fascinating that  human breeding, an egg AND a sperm are required. Additionally, no one could worry about women breeding, if women weren't getting "fed" in the first place.
How many 'illegitimates'  have been bred from Senate or lobby trysts since the presidency started?, Illegitimate business ventures and the like. These countless ones "can't be fed" -- in the public eye, like the nursing mother whom political-ships seek to disparage. Why no public feed?  How damaging the exposure would be to a campaign?!

Continued from comment on Lindsay's page -->  -->  --> (Updated)
I'm reminded of film "The Aviator": Howard Hughes was subject to a trial and it was made mention that large amounts of aircraft machinery which he built, never got utilized by our government agencies nor did they generate commerce for our country in ANY way--since, they never flew. Hughes confirms this mention as factual but trivial when he tattles about other aircraft manufacturing companies "simultaneously" guilty of the same act and equally affluent as he. 
Can any metal "bred" during that era, "feed" this nation today? Can it be sold to get us out of debt? Likely not. 
In comparison to children: Kids grow up and breed but just as many get jobs instead. I had my first when I was 14 yrs! Other kids, are deployed/drafted or finish college to become beneficial in another way to the USA. The quantity of unemployed persons and soldiers below age 26 years in the last decade should be sufficient proof. Some fed wars with their lives, dreams and futures.

Occupy WallStreet and similar revolutions like it are happening regularly throughout our nation. Amid  gatherings like Occupy Wallstreet, the masses unite with one voice and the following sentence to Leadership everywhere: "Before preaching about what is fed by the efforts of another, Dear sir/madam, please Soul-search.
One final quote I found was this below, 
“God has not given us vast solve all the problems,but He has given to every one of us
the power to be spiritual; and by our spirituality, to lift and  enlighten the lives we touch.”- Phillips Brooks

That being said, I believe Mothers (women) and kids have readily "brought" far more to the American table, and "fought" to "add even more" upon it---more  than any Spruce Goose, Republican or Democrat, to date. 

God Bless!

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